14.03.2019 Climatic - Corporate - Domisphere << Back

Infuser ApS is developing and manufacturing advanced oxidation solutions for treating polluted air, to the global market. Infuser has three main business lines; Industrial air cleaning under the trademark CLIMATIC, indoor air cleaning under the trademark DOMISPHERE and disinfection of contaminated areas under the trademark STERISAFE.
“After several years of monitoring the Chinese market for VOC treatment of polluted air, Infuser ApS has since 2018 followed a strategy plan for establishing Infuser in China as we are dedicated to offer our solutions for the Chinese VOC treatment market. First milestone in our strategy has now been accomplished by establishing the Infuser office in Shanghai. Furthermore, we also would like to welcome Mr. Chuck Wang, who has joined the Infuser team since March 1st 2019. Mr. Chuck Wang’s role is to develop business in the whole of China”
– says Mr. Kenneth F. Kolvits, GM CLIMATIC, leading the Infuser Strategy for China.
Infuser ApS致力于开发和制造先进的氧化工艺来作为被污染大气的解决方案,应用于全球市场。Infuser有三条业务主线;CLIMATIC商标下的工业大气的净化,DOMISPHERE商标下的室内空气净化以及STERISAFE商标下的污染区的消毒和净化。
经过数年中国大气污染VOCs处理市场的持续观察,Infuser ApS从2018年遵循在中国也要建立Infuser分支机构的发展战略并致力于向中国的VOCs处理市场持续提供我们的解决方案。战略里程碑的第一步在上海建立Infuser的办公室已经实现。与此同时,我们还要欢迎自2019年三月1号开始加入Infuser团队的Chuck Wang 先生。Chuck Wang’s角色是负责Infuser在全中国的业务拓展。
– Mr. Kenneth F. Kolvits, CLIMATIC总经理, 领导Infuser中国的发展战略.
For more information please feel free to contact:
Infuser ApS
Ole Maaløsvej 5, 2200 Copenhagen
Ole Maaløsvej 5,2200 哥本哈根
Infuser ApS
3/F, #139 Ruijin Rd. (No. 1), Shanghai 200020
上海市黄浦区瑞金一路139号3楼 200020