STERISAFETM-Pro marks the technological progress in hospital disinfection
There are circumstances when opportunities from supply and demand side meet. Medica is the world’s largest trade fair event for the medical sector. It celebrates the latest advancements in the healthcare domain. Potential business partners, the press, and visitors welcomed STERISAFETM-Pro warmly last year at Medica 2016.
As Berit Munk, Senior Quality Manager, puts it: “The results are enough for us to be convinced by the method”.
The hygiene team at Danish bakery group, Kohberg, carried out microbiology tests. The team used twenty contact plates to collect microbiological samples. The analysis showed an outstanding total kill of 100% on all 20 plates. Given the methodology used, this is the highest measurable total kill of the controlled organisms, namely the two fungi contaminants – yeast and mold.
The STERISAFETM team will continue raising the awareness of the emerging disinfection technology: Full-Depth Disinfection Cycle (FDDC) this November. FDDC has a proven efficacy record in laboratory setting. A public hospital in Germany and the largest Danish owned bakery recognized the technology this summer.
INFUSER and the Confederation of the Danish Industry continue working effectively together. The Danish Pavilion at Medica 2017 will host the FDDC and STERISAFETM-Pro at Hall 16 Stand D 41.
Discover how and why we define the tomorrow of automated room disinfection from Monday the 13th of November to Thursday the 16th of November 2017 in Düsseldorf, Germany.