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Fighting pollution with low temperature catalysts

OZCO (Ozone-assisted catalytic Oxidation) of VOCs


To determine the viability of ozone assisted catalytic oxidation, to remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for the purpose of cleaning air – indoor and outdoor.


Literature has shown that OZCO is a viable method for removing formaldehyde (HCHO), toluene and benzene using MnOx catalysts in various configurations and with various backbones. It is necessary to verify the principle of this approach, as well as applicability to air cleaning.


Experiments are carried out in a flow through system, controlled by a main fan with injection of O3 and VOCs using mass flow controllers (MFCs) containing three sections of catalyst. Three sections of catalyst allow for the testing of multiple space velocities at a single flow setting. Measurements of O3 and VOCs before and after each section are collected by a Teledyne 465L ozone monitor and an MKS HR-FTIR, respectively. The whole setup is controlled from a script that allows long term sampling and planning at regular intervals.

Suitable catalysts are evaluated based on their ozone removal efficiency.

Expected outcome:

With the right catalyst, OZCO will be able to remove VOCs from an air stream.

Tangible goals:

Publication of the first article demonstrating the feasibility of OZCO for the removal of HCHO, toluene, acetic acid and acetaldehyde.


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