Consumers ask for sustainable solutions. Also when it comes to high-engagement products like cars.
When buying a car, we often go through a long list of considerations. Today, a car should provide far more than transportation from a to b. The purchase criteria have expanded from finding the right dealer, finances, size, performance, safety, comfort, interior design and gadgets. The exterior design and the color is also a key-criterion – for practical reasons as to e.g. resell, scratches and cleanliness and for image related attributions: How would we like to appear on the road? Nowadays, consumers also rank political and environmental values highly. Is the car fuel-efficient, powered by electricity or is it a hybrid? What is the body made of; conventional steel or aluminum that reduces carbon emissions? And does the brand have a green profile, we can ascribe to ourselves? Such questions push manufacturers (across all industries) to provide a wider range of sustainable solutions.
Car manufacturers therefore also go for greener profiles and stronger social claims across the whole supply chain – including the paint-shop section. If untreated, an automobile paint-shop can typically emit up to 100 mg/m3 of VOC. Due to its dangerous impact, such pollution load is neither legal nor in any company’s intest. The VOC composition is a complex mixture of more than 20 different compounds, requiring a solid abatement technology.
Over the last few years, INFUSER has established a wide collaboration with the most iconic car brands in Germany. Our air purification technology, CLIMATIC, is especially popular among car manufacturers that aspire for a greener profile. Know about one of our latest collaborations with one of the World’s most legendary car manufactures. Here, CLIMATIC was demoed to remove air pollution from a paint-shop section.