“SAFE-ROOOM” is to increase the food safety in the ingredient and food factories.
A new year asks for new solutions. In 2017, INFUSER will initiate a technological development of the unique and patented Full-Depth Disinfection Cycle (FDDC) with focus on the food safety in the food producing industry. An initiative that is based on repeating international requests from food and ingredients manufactures, budgeting for about 4 million DKK (540,000 EURO). As one amongst 20 innovative Danish projects, INFUSER is proud to be have been granted a significant financial contribution from The Market Development Fund (Markedsmodningsfonden) along with specialized support from the Danish investment and development company CAPNOVA.
That is the end-goal of this project, which will be manifested as a fully automated disinfection unit, currently going under the working title “SAFE-ROOOM”. The unit will cleanse the air and all surfaces by applying INFUSER’s unique FDDC technology – a fully automatic and module based solution for effective disinfection of whole rooms.
The solution from INFUSER distinguishes itself by effectively eliminating microorganisms in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way that prevents bacterial food poisoning and product market recalls. Market recalls are costly, image and brand damaging, therefore the demand for hygiene factors in production and processing lines is internationally growing.
INFUSER has already experience in dealing with harmful microorganisms in other sectors, including the healthcare sector, and as such, we are positive that the method in question will apply for the food and ingredients industry as well, once further developed with scientific proficiency. Over the next couple of years, INFUSER will test and develop a solution that will provide a reliable result, free from harmful chemicals and particles. A solution that will make a difference for manufacturers of fast food (such as sandwiches and salads in retail), cheese, meet, dairies, bread and the like.