16.11.2016 Ikke-kategoriseret - Sterisafe << Back

The collaboration facility in Copenhagen Science City, the Praksis- og Innovationshuset of the Metropolitan University College. An investment by the Danish Industry Foundation.
“A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others”.
This known quote from the movie “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” was used by Christian Bason, CEO of Dansk Design Center, at the opening ceremony of Metropol’s new “Praksis- og Innovationshuset”. The house was opened on the 14th of November 2016 and Christian’s hope with this quote is that the house will be loved and used by many different stakeholders – from Students and Practitioners to private and public companies including hospitals and governmental institutions.
Praksis- og Innovationshuset is a house of collaboration. A center of excellence with simulation rooms that give students and Danish healthcare Practitioners in spe – the framework to make the best of their knowledge and skills in an authentic setting. The house is the first of its kind in Denmark and will act as a playground with professional facilities and equipment that combine education, research and commercial interests. Here it will be possible to optimize Danish welfare services and commercial innovations for the benefit of the citizens.
Students can supplement theoretical knowledge with practical competencies. Topics that are hard to grasp through study books can now be conducted in practice in simulation rooms with professional equipment and lifelike mannequins that replicate human beings. The students can simulate subsequent scenarios: How do you work under force majeure such as freeway accidents, flooding, earthquake or even war? How do you prevent or manage a complicated birth situation? How do you rehabilitate (elderly) citizens, who are disabled due to Parkinson’s Disease, stroke or Sclerosis – and whom do you collaborate with to maximize care?
Praksis- & Innovationshuset also gives private companies, such as INFUSER, a unique chance to spar with professional partners in regards to test and product development. As an innovative growth and entrepreneur company, INFUSER has from the very beginning acknowledged the necessity of close collaboration with educational institutions, especially the University of Copenhagen and Metropol. Due to our collocation on the campus of University of Copenhagen, we already have close collaborations with Metropol, mostly regarding research and development of bacteriological aspects for our newest decontamination unit, STERISAFETM.
Based on our close partnership with Metropol, INFUSER had the pleasure of launching STERISAFETM in the emergency scenario at the opening ceremony of Praksis- og Innovationshuset, accompanied with representatives from Copenhagen Science City. Relevant stakeholders became aware of our product, and we mutually benefited from constructive comments based on their daily needs in the healthcare sector – another advantage, which other companies can acquire from collaboration with Praksis- og Innovationshuset.
INFUSER warmly congratulates the Metropolitan University College on Praksis- og Innovationshuset. Along with Christian Bason we too hope that the house will be loved and used by all relevant stakeholders.
Videnskab.dk: Dukker og aldersdragter skal give bedre behandling
28/02/16 INFUSER officially joins forces with the Metropolitan University College