Indoor air quality systemDOMISPHERE
17.04.2018 Corporate - Domisphere << Back

PM Equity Partner (PMEP) leads investment in Domisphere for the development of indoor air quality system.
INFUSER has recently patented and tested a number of technologies applying shortwave UVR technologies in combination with gas enhanced catalysts for the cleaning of indoor air – the technology has been named Excimer CAT.
The Excimer CAT technology will now be commercialized through a new company, Domisphere ApS, founded by Infuser with investment from PMEP.
Recent tests have demonstrated that the Excimer CAT technology will be able to remove indoor pollution such as formaldehyde without the use of conventional absorption filters that need replacing and frequent maintenance. The novel Excimer CAT technology is set to make an impact in the USD 20 billion market for indoor air cleaners and is expected to enter the market during the first quarter of 2019. Domisphere will be headed by Infuser COO and co-founder Lars Nygaard Jepsen.
For more information about PMEP, see