Kenth Wrist-Jensen

  • Kenth Wrist-Jensen

    Kenth Wrist-Jensen M.Sc. Eng.

    • Supply Chain and Operations Manager
“As a child I was curious about how things worked. I loved to investigate (break things) in order to try and figure out how or why things worked”

I am an engineer with more than 25 years of management experience within operations, planning and supply. As operations are closely linked to business, I completed a bachelor’s in economics after I graduated as an engineer.

As a child I was curious about how things worked. I loved to investigate (break things) in order to try and figure out how or why things worked. Without knowing what an engineer was, I was probably predisposed to become one, even though I dreamed about becoming a marine biologist.

At Infuser I have been working within the areas of product development, regarding developing Climatic solutions, Dosmisphere projects, Sterisafe, and ozone generators. I have worked within supply chain, installations and service on our Climatic side. With our team of brilliant scientists and sales people, I have created and delivered products to reduce pollutions and increase life quality, by cleaning the air.

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