STERISAFE-Pro demonstrates efficacious kill on fungi
Companies strive to continuously add value to their offerings in order to satisfy the needs of their customers. Every industry has a different approach. For example, a railway company would like to ease the sale of their tickets by introducing online or mobile app purchases. On the other hand, a car repair shop would provide you with a car while yours is being repaired.
How can a food company deliver more value to their customers? One of the straight answers to the question would be: by increasing food safety. Food safety is multifaceted. The technological advancements and innovations allow for the food served at our tables to be pathogen free.
Bread and cakes producer
The biggest Danish-owned bakery has one of the highest hygienic standards in the industry. This does not stop the quality team from proactively looking and assessing emerging disinfection methods. As part of this continuous improvement process, the quality team
at Kohberg, led by Berit Munk, tested the Full-Depth Disinfection Cycle (FDDC)technology.
The FDDC is the advanced disinfection technology embedded in the mobile unit for whole-room disinfection STERISAFE-Pro and SAFE-ROOOM
Results from the test:
As Berit Munk, Senior Quality Manager, puts it: “The results are enough for us to be convinced by the method”.
The hygiene team at Kohberg carried out microbiology tests. The team used twenty contact plates to collect microbiological samples. The analysis showed an outstanding total kill of 100% on all 20 plates. Given the methodology used, this is the highest measurable total kill of the controlled organisms, namely the two fungi contaminants – yeast and mold.